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Classic Album Art


Nick Drake - Pink Moon

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Classic Album Art

release - 1972
album art - Cally
Keith Morris
Michael Trevithick

cover back

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Nicholas Rodney "Nick" Drake (19 June 1948 – 25 November 1974) was an English singer-songwriter and musician, known for his acoustic guitar-based songs. Drake released his debut album, Five Leaves Left, in 1969 when he was a 20 years old student at the University of Cambridge. By 1972, he had recorded two more albums: Bryter Layter and Pink Moon. He failed to find a wide audience during his lifetime, but his work has gradually achieved wider notice and recognition.

Drake suffered from major depression; often reflected in his lyrics. On 25 November 1974, at the age of 26, Drake died from an overdose of approximately 30 amitriptyline pills, a prescribed antidepressant. His cause was determined to be suicide.

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Five Leaves Left
